Caitlin didn't use her journal much; she used it not at all as a launchie, and only three times as a soldier, all three times intentionally attempting to communicate with the teachers.

The first journal entry was written in the summer of 2002, while Caitlin was in Leopard, before Nataku got out of launch.

Subj: Hrm.

You know, I hate the world. Except every day that goes by, I'm forced to hate it less. I mean, we wiped the *walls* with the Peedies. And Kendra, bless her lying soul, is so damn entertaining as a commander that I regret I'm in another army. I actually regret it for other reasons too... she seems to care about discipline. And she's not afraid to discipline her soldiers in public. On that note... wow. Nataku is quite the gem. His first dinner here, and he gets a toon leader demoted. I think the black eye would be worth it.

The second was also while she was in Leopard, a little before awk got command.

Subj: Mrh.

Will I ever get comm^H^H^H^H a toon? I mean, Fulani, awkie, and August have them....

The last was very definitely written on the very first night she was a commander, or June 12, 2003:

Subj: Ha!

I know you read my journals, bastards. And you know what? You've given me all I want out of the school. Thank you ever so much, and have an unpleasant day.
