Launchie Plot Idea


This was the Idea I submitted as part of Marian's launch requirements.

The station has gone too long without a drill. Thus, the staffers decide to reinforce the lessons regarding what would happen in the case of an air leak: soldiers are to gather in the nearest barracks or battleroom; after five minutes all the doors that can be sealed shut will be; and then soldiers wait until they hear three short hoots from the siren in quick succession, which is the signal that the leak has been resolved and the doors have been unsealed.

Marian has been playing the Fantasy Game, unaware of its true purpose, and right now her character - a snake - is stuck in a deep hole. Every attempt at escaping has resulted in death and frustration, though the game reports to the staffers that she's very inventive and has come close to the pre-programmed solution several times already. She was scheduled for promotion to an army in about a week, or sooner if she finds the solution sooner.

During the drill, she is trapped in the Ferret barracks: she had been exploring during her free period of the day, which had coincidentally been Ferret's practice time, and was right outside their door when the sirens went off.

Exploring the barracks takes less than a minute, and after that time seems to crawl while the door stubbornly refuses to open. All she can think about are the myriad deaths suffered in the Fantasy Game. Finally, the siren hoots and Marian is able to escape the scary Ferret barracks.


  • If she were trapped alone, the claustrophobia from the Fantasy Game might well become real, or she might just be afraid of army barracks in general. Launchie barracks would still be safe, but her first few days in an army could be terrifying.
  • If she were trapped with someone, they could brainstorm about why it's taking so long and keep each other from panicking... but she's not good at being tactful, and so depending on the RP she could make a better friend or make an enemy.

This is the RP Staff's response.

First off, good idea. It is well developed, and well balanced, and I applaud you for it.

Just a few things:

  1. As in school fire drills, the teachers would have to tell the students what to do when the alarm for the drill goes off. How would you have the students be made aware of what a drill entails? Give me 3 methods other than a station-wide desk announcement (I want RP methods, not mailings).
  2. What rules would there be for the drill to cover the possibility of a launchie trapped in a soldier's barracks? What would happen if a group of soldiers forbid a launchie to enter their barracks?

Overall, well thought out and well planned. I'm going to grant the @req, but I wish you to answer those questions, and to send the answer to *transfer so that the RP Staff can work on implementing the first portion of this plot.

These are my answers.


  1. Part of the launchie orientation (here are the bathrooms, here is the gym, here's what you do if you hear this siren)
  2. Occasional first-hour commentaries. Today my superior officers are requiring me to waste fifteen minutes of MY precious time to make sure YOU don't die. So listen up!
  3. Signs posted in all classrooms, bathrooms, and the gym.


Any army who is known to refuse entrance to their barracks during a drill automatically loses their next battle. Any soldier or launchie refused entrance goes to the next barracks, heads for the battleroom, or simply refuses to be expelled from the barracks. Any launchie who tries to say there's a drill when there's not gets enough pig points to eat goop until they get into an army.


